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I gatti sono il miglior animale domestico che potresti avere, questa è la verità. Tuttavia, ti giudicheranno severamente, non importa quanto siano privi di aloni i tuoi bicchieri di cristallo, questo strofinaccio ti aiuterà a raggiungere i loro standard elevati. 

Baffi di gatto | Strofinaccio

  • 100% cotton
  • 71 x 46cm • 28" x 18" 
  • Printed with pigment inks
  • Sewn with a loop & care label
  • Printed in UK
  • Designed by MollyMac

Cats are the best pet you could possibly have, that's the truth. They will however judge you harshly no matter how streak free your crystal glasses - this pretty printed tea towel will help you reach their high standards!

It would also make a gorgeous gift - maybe paired with its matching  table runner or napkins  or one of our other colourful kitchen towel designs. We do also have a few other 'Cat' designs

All our products are  drawn and designed specifically for every product so are printed to match the ones displayed here.

Our tea towels are perfect in any home and will add some wonderful colourful style to your kitchen and dining experience. It may even make drying up a bit more fun!

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